Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday Funny!

My daughter told me this last week that I have spider webs up my nose holes (aka nostrils). I was kind of surprised so I asked her back if she could see any spiders in there too.  She said no but I had boogies!

My youngest knew he was in big trouble.  He told me when I get mad at him I just need to love him instead of being mad.  He was giving me hugs all day telling me he was sorry!

My two older boys went off to scout camp this last week.  One went to Mount Hood in Oregon and the other went somewhere in the Cascade Mountain range in Washington.  I can't wait to share pictures they took!  Hopefully they come out!

Have an awesome weekend!  I know some are going back to school soon, East Coast and others like us on the West Coast still have another 34 days till school starts!  My youngest woke me up this morning asking if it's September yet, hence the start of the countdown to the end of summer!

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