Monday, February 24, 2014

Super Bowl, super crafts!

This month has flown by!  I can't believe it is almost over!  I made a hat for my teenager to take to school to sell to make some money back in January.  My hubby ended up showing a picture of it to a coworker and it kind of turned into a hat making business for a few days, 6 hats later and 100 bucks!

Seahawk colors!  Go Seattle!

I used this baby! Pretty simple.  There's lot's of video's online how to use this round loom.  Even my 6 year old can use it!  He's pretty crafty!
Also, I made one of these. This is the start of an infinity scarf.
Add in another color!
And another! Tada!

My baby calls this the loopy-doopy scarf.
I wish I took a picture of all the food we had for our Super Bowl party!  Oh and here's the chair my hubby broke when we stole the ball from the Bronco's and made a huge touchdown!
Hope you've been having a great month!

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