Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's Cards

Last year I joined a card swap group of ladies here in town.  Once a month we get together to swap cards we made for a specific theme.  This last month, January was a love theme.  I made my cards for Valentine's day.  Nice, easy, simple. Supplies I used, cardstock, printed heart paper, adhesive and stickers.

Super easy to make!

My kindergartener helped make these!

And a close up!  Inside the cards are blank, so you could write a little love note to the one you love! When I find my cards I received I will post them!  It could be a while! I have a feeling they grew legs and are hiding from me!

I hope you liked this post and come back again for something fun!  I need to head back to the books and get things done for my math class tonight!

What are you doing for Valentine's day?

Catch y'all later!

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