Thursday, July 11, 2013

Meat & Cheese Rolls

The other day my daughter was having a hard time. Just imagine a temper tantrum about nothing!  I invited her to sit with me and look at Pintrest pins.  This peaked her interest!  I asked her if she could help me find something yummy to eat or a craft to make!  Instantly she found this pin for crescent rolls with meat & cheese in it.   Here's where the pin sends you!  We made these for lunch today!  We didn't use the sauce or as much meat.  I used Swiss cheese & chopped it into tiny pieces. A few of them I used garlic white cheddar cheese.  When we ran to Walmart this morning, we were in a hurry to grab a few things and get back home.  While I looked at cheese my daughter asked me if I could buy some cheese like the last "spicy" one she tried at the Tillamook Cheese Factory.  I told her it was the White Cheddar Garlic cheese.  I found some in a package of slices, no blocks or shredded.  She asked me to make her some with this cheese in it! She loved it!  My picky eater didn't complain about the meat or cheese!

Here's what I used! Get the lunch meat in the deli.  The pre packaged stuff looked kind of green in my opinion!


This is what it looks like when it's all cooked up!

A close up of what it looks like inside!  YUM-O!!  I forgot to get an onion so I didn't make the AU Jus dip!  Definitely will make when I do this again!

Three of my children and I gobbled up all that I made!  I think my picky eater husband will like these!  The garlic cheese ones really enhanced the flavor of the roast beef meat used!  Too bad my oldest wasn't here to have any!  He's at scout camp till Saturday!  Thank you for adding this recipe to Pintrest!! Click here for the pin!  Happy Pinning!

What have you experimented in the kitchen with lately?

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