Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Vacation Time

I love getting away from home.  Then coming back.  I always miss my bed the most.  We went to the Oregon Coast to celebrate the Fourth of July 2013 with family. We had a grand time! We saw family we haven't seen since we moved away from Washington in 2010. The two youngest are not fond of animals or any thing furry. Not to mention spiders, bugs, insects whatever you want to call them.  They scream.  Especially dogs. My daughter surprised us all.  Her first encounter with Diesel the big black lab, she was more shocked that he made the rounds (circled her play space) sniffed her and left.

We had fireworks. We went to the river, twice.  We went to Happy Camp (beach), but it was so windy it made your bones hurt. We went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory, but it was so crowded we left to get ice cream somewhere else.  The production lines were down too, so no watching how cheese gets made!  We made fires in the fire pit in the back yard at night. We played at the park during the day.  We had some awesome BBQ food.

The guys caught a few crawdads at the river and had bbq them to go with dinner!  This particular one was putting up a fight for life!  He did not want to become food!

This is a view in the forest as they got lost trying to find where the shooting hole is at.

Beautiful picture.  I just love this.
And ribs!  YUM!!!

Hope you had a great holiday!  Happy Independence Day everyone!

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