Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mixed up!

I had an awesome day working on my Christmas in July Craft swap crafts yesterday that I totally got my days messed up.  I was told Thursday instead of Wednesday, so instead of reading my emails about the info I mixed it up somehow! It really was Wednesday not Thursday!  Ugh, I hate letting people down. However in the end things ended up okay.  The boys still arrived to scout camp on time. I did however not understand the road signs driving home and was in the wrong lane and crossed the bridge missing the toll payment centers. I'm sure I will get a bill in the mail and it will be more than paying cash which I intended to do, but I will pay it and all will be well.  From mixing things up I am just going to take it easy the rest of today so I don't make any more mix ups and get my other scout to his activity tonight! I guess all is well and at least I got the right kid to camp! I hope all the scouters have fun!

Mom's do this when they have a lot going on!  It's okay! Fix it and make it best as we can!

What children's summer plans have you mixed up lately?

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