Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mount Rainier & Puyallup River

My husband had a day off recently.  He wasn't quite ready to go home after we got his fishing license and then went out to eat. He turned the car the opposite way than home and started driving.  He was told of this town with a big sporting good store.  (It's not that big!)  He wanted to find it.  It was a cute little town, older place near the valley of Mount Rainier.  There was a fun park we stopped at to let the kids play.  It has these awesome trees. 

I love this line of trees.

This one reminds me of a tree in my grandparent's yard in Utah. (Their kids sold their home this past summer.)

These trees would make some awesome tree houses! At the park we saw this peek-a-boo view of Mount Rainier too.

I love seeing this mountain.  It's so relaxing; it also makes me grateful for all the man upstairs has given and done for me.  Okay, now onto the pictures of the river!

I love how the sunlight glistens on the water!  We stopped at the river to see if there could be a swimming hole to take the kids this summer. NOPE!

Way to deep to swim in even with a life jacket.

The water was way too choppy & swift for kids to swim in it. 

On our way back home my husband pulled off the road so we could take these pictures of Mount Rainier! 

Right after I snapped this picture my husband grabbed the cell phone and snapped the following picture.

He took a few of this same view, as we were standing on the sidewalk, on a bridge, over the river we just visited.  He almost dropped the camera (my cell phone) in the river twice.  My youngest looks at me and says, 'mom it's okay if daddy drops it, he'll have to earn money to buy you a new one.  I'll make sure he does'! What a love bug I've raised.

Oh this river is the Puyallup river that runs thru the small country town of Orting Washington USA.

All the pictures here are taken by me (except for the last picture of Mount Rainier, taken by my husband) with the Samsung Galaxy 4S cell phone.  I love this phone!  The camera is definitely the most used feature on the phone. (Yes, probably even more than talking and texting!)

Have you gone exploring with kids this summer as a family or by yourself?

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