Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Purse Change

I've been absent for about a week now. Sorry!  I've picked up a side job doing some stuff for a relative. It's really quite boring and I would rather be crafting or baking up a storm!  Really!!  We had two birthdays in the family this last week. My daughter turned 7 and my hubby, well I won't tell you how old he turned but I will tell you he got his birthday wish!  Overtime!! Wahooo!  Now if only he would let me get my crafty thing I want! He said he would get it for me but still hasn't!  Okay enough of that!  My purse has been getting really heavy lately.  My oldest needed some money for a camp he is going to so I cleaned it out just for him!  He's been working hard.  He deserves some money!  I should have put it in my change cup but I started earlier this year, or was it the end of last year?  I can't remember. Anyways here is what I found!!

It's about 10 bucks in purse money, purse change, whatever you want to call it!  I should do this more often!!  I feel rich!  Okay I did for a small moment till I gave it to my son!

I'll be back tomorrow to share with you something else!

What have you found in your purse?  How often do you clean it out?

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