Thursday, June 6, 2013


I'll have to say I am a big fan of lemonade, tart, sweet, it's delicious! On Pintrest there has been quite a few lemonade recipes. I decided to try this one that is supposed to taste like Chick-Fil-A.

This is definitely thirst quenching on a warm spring, almost summer day!  I'm so grateful for the sunshine this week.  It makes me happy.  This lemonade also makes me happy! Here's the recipe I used.

First gather all your ingredients and a helper!

Then put that helper to work!

My helper did an awesome job juicing the lemons.  Here's a quick tip, if you microwave the lemon (or limes or oranges) for about 20 seconds they will juice more.  My middle school student brought this tip home from his Consumer Science class (just like Home Ec back in the days)! This tip really does work!

Dump the lemon juice into a pitcher, add about 6 glasses of cold water and 1 cup of sugar. Mix it all together! Yes mix the pulp in there too!

I think next time I will add strawberries!  The kids of course as usual fought over who was going to drink the last bit!

I used a total of 9 lemons (the 10th one was squishy)!  This is definitely a make again recipe especially for a hot summer day! Totally refreshing!


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