Thursday, June 27, 2013


I feel like I have been missing for a few days!  This week has gone by so fast! Tonight the sun came out just before the day is over. Here's a few of my pictures I took.

This next one my buddy tells me the trees are glowing!

I love the pinks and oranges mixed together.

I love the beautiful sunsets here!  We've had quite the stormy weather here this last week.  It is quite depressing. Tuesday trying to get the car road trip ready we were driving from one tire store to another the rain surprised us out of no where and it started flooding the streets!  My hubby said if he didn't know better there would be a few tornados coming if we were still in the South.  There was a severe thunderstorm alert, but no tornados for our area.

I can't wait for the sunshine that the weatherman says is coming our way the next few days!  Mid 70's tomorrow, mid 80's for the weekend and come next week 90's!! I really hope the weatherman is right!  I need SUN after all it is summer!

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