Tuesday, June 18, 2013

White Daisy

Finally summer!  Now if only our forecast for the weather said sun everyday instead of rain six out of seven days it would really be summer!  I told the kids Friday when they got out of school not to tell me they're bored because I have something for them to do! My youngest calls it the workout video game, its as many players that want to do it. Example, it can be two or four! It will make their legs hurt the first few times they do it and I am sure they wont complain the rest of the summer!

We got Christmas in July craft swap going on right now.  I think I know what I want to make.  Something with wood and vinyl.  Stay tuned!  I think I am also going to try to make some cards and the envelopes from a Pintrest pin.  I'll let you know how that goes.

My youngest when we went on walks the few days before school got out when the rain stopped picked me some daisies. He said it would be cool if they were blue.  We tried the blue food coloring in the water, but the white petals have not turned blue yet.  It's been almost a week. Pintrest pin fail!

I hope your summer is off to a good start!

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