Friday, June 28, 2013

Funnies For Friday!

TGIF! We made it! I hope everyone has had an awesome summer week and that your weather has been better than ours!

My kids have been kind of crabby this week.  I think maybe, just maybe I can blame it on the super moon we had this last Saturday & Sunday night!

Here's your funny for the week!

My husband really wanted some southern food. I made some black eye peas with our dinner. I asked my buddy if he wanted any and he says NO and then my oldest jumps in, "they like to sing and dance". I'm all what are you talking about? He's all "the Black Eyed Peas music group; like they're going to get up and boogie off your plate"!  "Dancing" peas still couldn't get my buddy to get any!

TGIF ~ Have a great sunny weekend!

Please share your kids' funnies!

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