Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer is coming!

I wish it were summer!  I wish the cooler weather would go away and school was out!  We have two and a half days of school left!  I hope the sunshine will get here fast!  I've been helping kids with homework and study help for tests!  I hope they both pass!  I know my elementary child will!  It's kind of bittersweet.  All my kids will be in school next year!  First time ever!  I've had 3 kids at three different schools, but come September I will have two in high school and two in elementary.  I'm not sure I am ready for two in high school let alone have my youngest in school.  When my 14 year old went to kindergarten I remember standing at the bus stop talking with another mom, trying not to sob.  She was sending her first one off to school and she had a baby just under one.  I told her you think it would get easier, but it doesn't.  I'll admit that I've gotten teary eyed thinking about it. I will say once the kids have their first day off or week I will be thanking the district that they get to go back!

I have a few things we are going to do this summer that the kids don't know about yet.  The older ones are going to learn to cook!  Might I add in there more than just mac n cheese, top ramen, and microwave leftovers or a hot dog.  My oldest does like to help when BBQING. They are going to work on some merit badges for scouts and hopefully we will get to visit the beach and make a few awesome crafts!  My daughter is dying to go to the zoo!

What are your summer plans?

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