Friday, June 28, 2013

Funnies For Friday!

TGIF! We made it! I hope everyone has had an awesome summer week and that your weather has been better than ours!

My kids have been kind of crabby this week.  I think maybe, just maybe I can blame it on the super moon we had this last Saturday & Sunday night!

Here's your funny for the week!

My husband really wanted some southern food. I made some black eye peas with our dinner. I asked my buddy if he wanted any and he says NO and then my oldest jumps in, "they like to sing and dance". I'm all what are you talking about? He's all "the Black Eyed Peas music group; like they're going to get up and boogie off your plate"!  "Dancing" peas still couldn't get my buddy to get any!

TGIF ~ Have a great sunny weekend!

Please share your kids' funnies!

Thursday, June 27, 2013


I feel like I have been missing for a few days!  This week has gone by so fast! Tonight the sun came out just before the day is over. Here's a few of my pictures I took.

This next one my buddy tells me the trees are glowing!

I love the pinks and oranges mixed together.

I love the beautiful sunsets here!  We've had quite the stormy weather here this last week.  It is quite depressing. Tuesday trying to get the car road trip ready we were driving from one tire store to another the rain surprised us out of no where and it started flooding the streets!  My hubby said if he didn't know better there would be a few tornados coming if we were still in the South.  There was a severe thunderstorm alert, but no tornados for our area.

I can't wait for the sunshine that the weatherman says is coming our way the next few days!  Mid 70's tomorrow, mid 80's for the weekend and come next week 90's!! I really hope the weatherman is right!  I need SUN after all it is summer!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Family Time

This past weekend we were able to spend some quality family time at a baseball game.  Who knew four kids and their two parents would have so much fun. My hubby got tickets from the Manager at work. Might I add in there Suit tickets with covered seating, hamburgers, hotdogs, soda, water, popcorn, peanuts, the WORKS!! 

This is Chenney Stadium in Tacoma Washington. (Not the big Safeco Field in Seattle!) We sat directly behind home plate.  The seats couldn't have been any better!

Here's the final score!  We almost lost but the Rainiers recovered and won the game!

Usually it is both teams that are walking by each other high fiving, but only the home team did. Kind of sad the Grizzlies didn't participate in this.

Everyone who knows my husband understands he is not a sports kind of guy.  He doesn't have a favorite baseball or football team.  He doesn't follow basketball or soccer.  After this game he thought it was fun and is ready to go see a Mariners game.  (I think I know what to get him for our anniversary!)

I have more pictures from the game. I will have another post or two this week with more pictures.  I'll tell you about the dog named Muck and other things...

What did you do this weekend?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

White Daisy

Finally summer!  Now if only our forecast for the weather said sun everyday instead of rain six out of seven days it would really be summer!  I told the kids Friday when they got out of school not to tell me they're bored because I have something for them to do! My youngest calls it the workout video game, its as many players that want to do it. Example, it can be two or four! It will make their legs hurt the first few times they do it and I am sure they wont complain the rest of the summer!

We got Christmas in July craft swap going on right now.  I think I know what I want to make.  Something with wood and vinyl.  Stay tuned!  I think I am also going to try to make some cards and the envelopes from a Pintrest pin.  I'll let you know how that goes.

My youngest when we went on walks the few days before school got out when the rain stopped picked me some daisies. He said it would be cool if they were blue.  We tried the blue food coloring in the water, but the white petals have not turned blue yet.  It's been almost a week. Pintrest pin fail!

I hope your summer is off to a good start!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

We had these four bananas that didn't get eaten.  I planned on them being turned into banana bread, but I have no luck with making banana bread.  It just never seems to cook evenly.  The outside is always burnt and the middle smooshy.  I got smart and made muffins.  My youngest was very happy to help with smashing the bananas and the fourth one went into the trash before I could stop him.  He said it was too rotten! I think it was just really ripe!

Okay here's my recipe.  I don't have a specific one that I like but here is what I measured into the bowl, overly ripe bananas, sugar, brown sugar, butter, eggs, flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder.

Here's the recipe, totally mine!

Banana Muffins (or Bread)
3  ripe bananas
3/4 cup sugar (granulated, white)
1/4 brown sugar
2 eggs
1 stick butter or margarine, softened
2 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Dark Chocolate chips (about 3/4 of a cup)

Preheat oven 350. Smash up the bananas and add softened butter, sugar, brown sugar, eggs. MIX well! After it is all mixed add in 2 cups of flour (don't mix yet). On top of the flour add the salt, baking soda, baking powder and fold it into the flour and then mix all together. Add chocolate chips!  Spray muffin tin with oil spray and adding about 1/3 of a cup of mixture together.  I used the jumbo muffin pans.  Bake approximately 30 minutes. Don't forget every oven varies!

I hope you try these!  YUM YUM! These were a big hit with the kids and my hubby! No nuts were added to these. Some of us here in this home is allergic to nuts!

Here's the final at the inside!  YUM! What have you baked for your family lately?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer is coming!

I wish it were summer!  I wish the cooler weather would go away and school was out!  We have two and a half days of school left!  I hope the sunshine will get here fast!  I've been helping kids with homework and study help for tests!  I hope they both pass!  I know my elementary child will!  It's kind of bittersweet.  All my kids will be in school next year!  First time ever!  I've had 3 kids at three different schools, but come September I will have two in high school and two in elementary.  I'm not sure I am ready for two in high school let alone have my youngest in school.  When my 14 year old went to kindergarten I remember standing at the bus stop talking with another mom, trying not to sob.  She was sending her first one off to school and she had a baby just under one.  I told her you think it would get easier, but it doesn't.  I'll admit that I've gotten teary eyed thinking about it. I will say once the kids have their first day off or week I will be thanking the district that they get to go back!

I have a few things we are going to do this summer that the kids don't know about yet.  The older ones are going to learn to cook!  Might I add in there more than just mac n cheese, top ramen, and microwave leftovers or a hot dog.  My oldest does like to help when BBQING. They are going to work on some merit badges for scouts and hopefully we will get to visit the beach and make a few awesome crafts!  My daughter is dying to go to the zoo!

What are your summer plans?

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I'll have to say I am a big fan of lemonade, tart, sweet, it's delicious! On Pintrest there has been quite a few lemonade recipes. I decided to try this one that is supposed to taste like Chick-Fil-A.

This is definitely thirst quenching on a warm spring, almost summer day!  I'm so grateful for the sunshine this week.  It makes me happy.  This lemonade also makes me happy! Here's the recipe I used.

First gather all your ingredients and a helper!

Then put that helper to work!

My helper did an awesome job juicing the lemons.  Here's a quick tip, if you microwave the lemon (or limes or oranges) for about 20 seconds they will juice more.  My middle school student brought this tip home from his Consumer Science class (just like Home Ec back in the days)! This tip really does work!

Dump the lemon juice into a pitcher, add about 6 glasses of cold water and 1 cup of sugar. Mix it all together! Yes mix the pulp in there too!

I think next time I will add strawberries!  The kids of course as usual fought over who was going to drink the last bit!

I used a total of 9 lemons (the 10th one was squishy)!  This is definitely a make again recipe especially for a hot summer day! Totally refreshing!


Monday, June 3, 2013

Red, White and Blue!

I love checking the mail and getting packages! Especially when there are no bills!!

Inside is my Patriotic Craft from Dee G. in Salem, Oregon! I'm going to have to find somewhere to hang it!

Red, white and blue glitter stars on square plaque's. I really like this.

I hope your having an awesome Monday!

What crafts have you made lately?