Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Kitchen Toy

Yesterday I didn't post because I had parent teacher conferences!  My child in elementary school is very smart!  She's a little hard on herself and refuses to do homework!  Starting after Spring Break she will be loosing recess if she doesn't turn it in! Uh-oh!  Her teacher says she is somewhat of a perfectionist!

Now onto other things!  My husband broke my blender around Thanksgiving time last year.  He told me he would replace it. Months later he finally bought me a Ninja. Okay it's Ninja brand.  I swear, this thing is the bomb!  I saw some consumer report on the news about blenders and this one ranked right up there with the Vita Mixer. Who out there has hundreds of dollars to spend on a kitchen appliance? Not me that's for sure! So I had to test it out to see if it really made ice into snow.

Here's the ice....now let's turn it into snow....


It actually tasted like you were eating snow! Now to turn it into something delicious!

We lived in Arizona for a year.  Bahama Buck's was introduced to me by my bff from college. She bought this for me when we were traveling thru Arizona from Georgia moving back to Washington State.  That's another story for another time.  Oh my goodness!  YUM!  The kids were in Heaven!

Oh YUM!  This was absolutely a great treat for the kids and myself!  I can't wait for summer!

What kitchen appliance is your favorite?

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