Friday, March 1, 2013

Silly girl!

My daughter hasn't felt good lately.  She is catching the cold/flu bug that is going around.  She came to me the other night between sniffles right before bed and asked, "Mommy can we call the Xfinity guys to ask them when My Little Pony shows come on their cable channels".

If you knew her she is into puppies! Or she was!  Christmas she picked out a horse in a purse.  I don't know why but I think she wanted the purse but the horse came with it.  Then about a month ago we were shopping and she found a tan stuffed animal horse and went crazy for it.  Of course daddy bought it for her and a TMNT puzzle for her little brother.  On payday he had me go back for the white hores with black mane and tail.

She's still determined to call and make the Xfinity guys play the show she wants.  We did watch the show on ON Demand.

This weekend we are picking up her new glasses that just came in. Have a great weekend!

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