Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Birthday Cake Cookies

Okay, it's kinda late in the day to be posting, but I have been working on these cookies all morning.  Then I tried to take a nap. That didn't turn out well!  The kids came home from school before I could get to sleep!  I used a chocolate chip cookie recipe. You can use the recipe on the back of the chocolate chips if you like or whatever favorite one you have.  I made the recipe as directed, except for when it comes to the flour.  Use approximately 1/2 cup of white or yellow cake mix instead of flour. Dip the cookie dough into sprinkles and then bake according to the recipe directions.

Oh holy deliciousness!!  These turned out so tasty!  Yum, yum YUM!  Save the cake mix for other things like birthday cake rice krispy treats or use it in popcorn.

What are your favorite kind of cookies?

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