Friday, March 15, 2013

Oranges Juiced

This morning my buddy woke up with a cough. It's sounding kinda croupy.  I gave him some toast and yogurt for breakfast. Gave him some cough medicine. Then handed him an orange to peel & eat. He just played with it. What a boy!  I told him lets make orange juice!

He squeezed the juice out of it. Then....

He squeezed the heck out of it! (Yes, his wording!)

Now he's drinking it!

We don't have a juicer, but this lime squeezer (He calls it the squeezer) does the job the rest the way.  Use whatever you have on hand to make some fresh orange juice!

And don't forget to squeeze the heck out of it!!  I guess you just had to have been there for it to be funny.

Have an awesome weekend!

What are you doing this weekend?

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