Monday, March 4, 2013

Pretzel Bites

Have you ever looked at a recipe and wondered should I really do that part of it?  Well I made these pretzel bites to go with dinner this past weekend.  The recipe had you boil the dough in water mixed with baking soda for 30 seconds or so.  I thought that was very interesting.  Having never made pretzels before I thought I would give it a try!  Okay the only pretzels I have made are the ones from the bag found in the chip isle, melt chocolate, dip, sprinkle sprinkles on, you get the idea or the ones found down the frozen section, until I found this recipe.

This recipe I found online thru Pintrest.  Click here for the link to the recipe! Follow the recipe exactly how it says.  Yes even boil the dough in the baking soda water!  When baking them make sure you keep an eye on them in the oven so they don't over bake.  I think this weekend I will make these again and the cheese sauce from the recipe too.

Here's my Pintrest link to where I pinned from a friend!  These are my pictures showing how my pretzel bites turned out.  I made the pieces from the dough bigger than the recipe says to. Hope you try them soon! My kids loved them! YUM!

Have you made pretzels before? Made anything successful from Pintrest lately you would like to share?

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