Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Crafty Bag

Awesome!  I finished it!  Yay! I love how it turned out!  I love the fabric, the colors, the print, style. This was part of a Pintrest bag but as I said yesterday I got part way done and started to do my own thing on it.  It's kinda fancy and girly!  LOVE IT!  Now hopefully my daughter wont claim it as hers!  I hope my fellow craft swap group person loves it too!  I really hope so!

Here's a view from the inside!

I love how fancy it turned out!  A lot of work went into this. Here's another view of the bag.

I hope you like it.  Go here to find the link to the pattern. Go here for the Pintrest link to repin & like.  I think you will see the differences in the size, particularly the bottom.

Have you made anything from Pintrest lately? Successful projects or flops? Tell me about them.

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