Wednesday, March 20, 2013


It's supposed to be the first day of Spring, but it should be Winter still. Here in Washington state it's been a rainy blustery day.  I almost convinced the kids to go out to the garage to start building an ark!  Why not; Noah did?!  Tomorrow is a chance of snow for us!  Please Winter, go away I want and am ready for sunshine and warm weather.  I need the soggy and cold to go away!  BRRRR!!

On another note our school district denied our waiver forms to go to the same high school we are going to now.  I guess next step is get the oldest enrolled into running start so he doesn't have to attend the high school at all.  The other child finishing up middle school will be okay with attending the other high school.  New boundaries were formed for this next school year 2013-2014.  It's going to be drama with the oldest teenager till he feels better.

Catch ya tomorrow!

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