Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Flowers Blooming

I'm so excited!  My Rhodies are blooming!!  Yay!  They finally have color peeking thru their buds. I've been wondering since we moved into this house what color they are and I finally know!

Being in the South it's too warm for these flowers. One of the perks for being back in the Pacific Northwest! Rhododendrons grow really well here.  We sure have been spoiled by some awesome sunny weather the last few days.  I wish it would stick around! I love the spring sunshine!  I'll post more pictures soon!

We have about 25 school days left.  This doesn't include weekends!  I can't wait for summer vacation!  I look forward to sleeping in!

How many more days of school left where you live?  What are you looking forward to this summer?

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