Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Funnies

I can't believe I missed posting Wednesday & Thursday!  I made the bug costume Wednesday and last night we had the play.  My baby girl handed me a handful of cotton balls right before we needed to walk out the door. I hurriedly hot glued them back on and loaded up my crew, then left. I wanted to get their early to get an actual park in the parking lot and get good seats, like the front row! That didn't happen!

Well I could have definitely used some good laughs this last week.  I swear the teenagers bring home so much drama!  This funny from my 7 year old kept me going thru the week.  We got to church late, so we are waiting for the Sacrament to finish before we go into the chapel to find seats and sit down.  We are waiting in the hall with a few others and my little girl tells me she wants to whisper something in my ear.  I bend down and she whispers in kind of a loud voice, "Mom, this is like being in an elevator full of strangers"!! I think this is one of the best funny things kids say ever!  This really made my Mother's Day!!

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! Any big plans?

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