Friday, May 10, 2013

Little Froggy

My youngest has been quite entertaining lately!  He wants to do chores so he can make money, but this morning he just tried to catch a frog with a hot pad! He was afraid to touch it! He did catch it eventually, but I let him go.  Poor frog was being squished by the hot pad and little chubby fingers that held it!  I let it go over the fence in the neighbor's yard but he started hopping back towards our home!  Now my buddy thinks if we go to the park near our house he will find more frogs there to catch and keep as pets. We're getting ready to go to the park!  I pray there are no frogs to catch for pets!

He's right there in the middle of the picture!  Trying to hop away! He was just found!

He's such a good sport posing for pictures!!

Here's my buddy still trying to catch the frog without touching it! Boys can be so entertaining sometimes!  My oldest has no problem touching frogs, snakes, but my number two doesn't like it just like my baby!
This was very entertaining as a parent! Hope you all have a great weekend!
Catch ya Monday with flower pictures!

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