Monday, May 13, 2013

Rhododendron Plant

I hope everyone had a fabulous Mother's Day!
Okay as promised here's some pictures from my Rhody bush in my front yard.

A blooming bud!

Starting to open! Or trying! We've had some beautiful weather for almost two weeks, no rain and lots of sunshine & warmth! I'm going to miss it when the rain comes back!

The whole bush now looks like this!  This one branch was taken Friday or Saturday. I can't remember!  Today Monday morning as my 1st grader and I left for the bus stop we noticed the whole plant's blooms are open.  I would take a picture but it's windy and pouring down rain today!  Yes the rain is back!  Good ole Seattle!
All these pictures were taken by me with my new cell phone, Samsung Galaxy S4. LOVE the camera, so far & the phone itself!
Do you use your cell phone for pictures or an actual digital camera?

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