Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Drama, cars, sick kids

I don't know what happened last week, but I didn't post anything!  Sorry readers.  I've been under the weather thanks to one of my kids being sick, breathed all over me and shared!  I've been busy working trying to make a few extra bucks for the family.  Every time I think I am close to getting ahead something else happens!  Last Friday I took all the kids to the store and thank goodness I had my oldest with because he seems to think he can fix anything!  I'm almost believing he can! When I pulled into the parking spot my 14 year old said I was WAY over the line. I checked and yes I was.  I went to pull the emergency brake already off.  I had a hard time backing my car up and pulling back in.  Talk about stress.  The two younger kids were complaining they were thirsty so I took them to the water fountain in the back of the store and called the hubby. Of course he had a feeling.  Well while I was making those thirsty kids happy, the oldest said he could temporary fix the issue at hand, the stuck on e-brake. I told the hubby I would call him back and let him know what happens.  Sure enough he was able to figure it out!  Hooray for teenagers; they are actually useful!  Sometimes more useful than the hubby is!  Don't tell him that!!  So whenever I go somewhere now I have to take him with because he has the magic hands to undo the set brake.  It's just one thing after another with this old beasty gas guzzler!

We also had birthday's in the family this last week!  My niece, or should I say my mom's oldest grandchild turned 20!! I was just out of high school and just finished my first college term when she was born!  Happy Birthday niece & sis!

On Monday last week it was earth day.  Walking to the bus stop I found this little baby pansy flower in the crack between the sidewalk and the curb.

I used to love pansies.  I had a quilt with them appliqued all over the quilt.

I don't want to ramble off your ear so I will post more tomorrow! Promise!!

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