Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Clean a Little Love!

I don't know what to get my hubby for Valentine's day. Usually we go out to dinner or BBQ.  With him working nights, that wont happen! We might get each other something we didn't get for Christmas because we didn't have the money then.  This year I thought I would deep clean our bathroom for him.  I've always wanted to try something with vinegar.  This is what I found.

Vinegar, Dawn Dish Soap, Laundry Soap.

Here's the website where I found it, pin it too on Pintrest!  Here it is, they call it Blessing in a Bottle.  It's blue and the first one.  I think I might have to try the others too.

This is what it looks like all mixed up.

Here's my thoughts on it.  I mixed 10 ounces of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of Dawn and 2 tablespoons of my laundry soap, Tide Sport for HE (this stuff works great with stinky boys!).  I used it on my shower and in my kids shower tub combo.  It worked great on the soap scum on the walls.  It didn't clean the ground as well as I thought it would.  The smell of vinegar wasn't masked by the laundry soap like it says it will be. With knowing that I will give it a B+.  I really needed it to clean the ground or bottom of the tub.

There ya go!  Clean a little love for Valentine's Day for your hunny!

What have you tried from Pintrest lately??

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