Monday, February 18, 2013

President's Day

What does President's day mean to you!  For our home it means a day off from school where everyone is home and tired from staying up the night before! Last year it was the start of the week for mid winter break.  This year the school district we are in does not have it.

Here's a link to favorite foods of the US President's.  It's all about the food in our house!  We got growing boys and a hubby that loves his meat.

Here's another link to go find out which President's were left handed. Although this is an old article you can add the current president to this list too! I find it interesting that when Obama and McCain were running against each other they are both lefty's too.

That's it for today.  I hope the sun is shining your way and everyone is healthy and happy on this extended weekend

What do you do on President's day?

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