Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Jell-O Cookies

I tried to finish the craft I am making from Pintrest that I want to share with you.  I started sewing it again yesterday, but got side tracked when kids got home from school and the hubby coming home from dinner.  It will be done soon!  I promise...okay no promises.

Here's something else that got me side tracked!  Jell-O cookies!!!  Oh my gosh they are so yummy and addicting!  Here's a few of my picture's.

Getting ready to mix!!

Here's what they look like right out of the oven!  This is the first batch!  They didn't last long!  My little gremlins gobbled them up like no tomorrow!

Here's what they look like on the inside!

Okay here's where I found the recipe! Follow the recipe just like it says, dough will be soft but not sticky!  I didn't use course sugar on the top.  I rolled them in sugar and flattened them with a cup, sprinkled with normal sugar, but they looked kinda weird so the rest of the batches I didn't sprinkle sugar on them!  Use any flavor of Jell-O you have on hand!  Mine are strawberry!

I think I just found my new favorite cookie and a reason to buy more Jell-O!!

The lady who's website these are from is friends with my little sister!  She is an awesome baker!  She's funny too!  I like her blog.

Okay have a great day and don't forget to make these cookies!! YUM!

PS I am going to go finish up my crafty project for you all to see tomorrow!! Here's the start of it.  I took this picture Saturday night when I started it.

See it really does exist!!  I'll show ya the finished project tomorrow!! Take care and go make those phenomenal cookies!

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