Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Crafty Tiles

The weatherman said it was going to snow this Friday here in the Seattle area.  That was Sunday night.  Last night, Monday, he's saying snow for Saturday instead of Friday!  I say, make up your mind; I just want the cold to go away because I want Spring to come instead! My vote: no snow!  No snow equals schools out sooner (no make up days)!!! I know it's not up to me!  Mother Nature, pretty please warm up our earth! Okay enough about the weather!

Last week I went to a friends to hang out.  We made some crafty 12" x 12" tiles using her Silhouette machine. I want to share.

This is the easy one we did.

And we did this one!

This was a whole bunch more work!  Oh my! It turned out beautiful! I'm in the process of making an Etsy shop.  When the shop is done I will post a link to it.

I think I need one of these machines! I can just imagine all the projects I can do with it!

Do you have a Silhouette machine?  What's your favorite thing to craft?

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