Friday, January 18, 2013

Funnies For Friday!

Hi,  I thought I would put my journal of funny things my kids say to use.  What's this journal you ask yourself?  Well, the beginning of the year one of my goals is to focus on the positive and kids.  I have a special journal that I write in funny things they say.  I thought this would be a great way to end the work and school week.  I think its going to be a weekly post.

The sixteen year old keeps telling his six year old sister to stop picking at her belly button or she's going to die!  I think he's just jealous that her belly button is half innie and half outie, not one or the other like his!

Its snowing! My oldest asked if we could go to the store to buy him waterproof gloves.  I told him not when its snowing and roads are slick!  His brother, 13 1/2 pipes in while waving two oven mitts, why go buy gloves when you can use mittens for free!!

No Mommy, I'm not tired, I don't want to go to bed!  Funny I found him in this position on his bed fast asleep!

Just a note these are things that my children have said recently within the last week or so.

What are some funny things your kids, kids you know or family has said lately?

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