Friday, January 25, 2013

Funnies For Friday!

It's been a long week in our household.  This isn't really a normal funny I want to tell you about this week, but it's a funny story when I think about it. Everyone seems to be catching a bit of the flu bug around here. No fun!  I've been pushing vitamin c into everyone.  My first grader missed two days of school.  She's been walking around the house all wet, hair around her face, shirt drenched & water sometimes dripping from her face. I asked her what she was doing & she told me splashing water on her face.  When she was heating up and not feeling good she was at the bathroom sink cooling off!  She didn't want to lay in bed with a wet washcloth on her head!  She went to the doctor right after school Thursday.  She has a really deep ear infection.  It would not have been found sooner if I took her in any earlier.

I'm hoping this weekend my hubby will grill up something delicious!  If he does I will share it with you.  Have a great weekend!

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