Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Valentine Swap Craft

I've talked about my crafts for the craft swap, but I finally got one in the mail!  I am so excited!  I absolutely love it!  Even my husband loves it and has asked where it came from.  He thinks I should make them to sell.  He says it's an inexpensive money maker! I decided it's perfect for the master bathroom.  I went to work cleaning the counter and scrubbing the sinks, so when my hubby got home from work he would be surprised!

Here it is!!

I wrote a reason I love him on it before I went to bed and this morning when I got up he had wrote me back!  It's like having a lil love letter! Almost like junior high, no make that newlyweds all over again!  I definitely got to keep this away from my little kids that love to draw!

Thanks to Wendy C. in Orange Park Florida!!

Do you belong to any craft groups that swap or trade crafts? Do you trade crafts with friends?

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