Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year! I stayed home with 3 kids and the hubby, the fourth one went out with friends.  We watched the different celebrations around the country on the news and then just before midnight our time the Seattle Space Needle firework show started on TV.  It was so fabulous I want to actually take my kids there when the youngest is a little bit older!  I want them to really enjoy it!

I've been really thinking about goals this year.  With all the violence happening in the world I've decided to keep a journal. I do have a journal online that I write in, but I have an actual book that I am going to use.  In this book the pages are going to be filled with funny things my kids say and do. Maybe I'll venture out and write things that nieces and nephews do too.  Family, that's the focus, something positive in these trial times.

I'm also going to set a craft goal a month.  This month is to finish my daughter's quilt for her bed!  I know if I share this goal with my readers I will actually get it done!

Happy New Year Everyone!  How did you ring in the new year?  What are your goals this year?

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